2018 v 2019: A Visual Insight to Patenting Activity in USPTO

It has been quite a year for the US IP fraternity. A new set of regulations were introduced to streamline and provide clarity to US patent laws and patent activity, which eventually resulted in improving the ranking of US in the GIPC index. Let us look at the statistics to get a deeper insight into the USPTO patenting activity and draw a comparison between the data pertaining to the year 2018 and 2019.

1. Issued Patent type

The trend is positive in terms of the number of the patent issued by the USPTO, which shows a commendable effort by the patent office to reduce the prosecution delay and creating less of a backlog.nt

2. Number of Patent Application filed

Well, the data for 2019 may be showing a decline, however, the data considered is only for a period till November from USPTO. So, we can infer that the patent filings have maintained a stable outlook and it can be easily predicted that the number of filings this year may be ahead with the last year.

3. Major IP stakeholders

There is not much of a difference in the position of major IP stakeholders for 2018 & 2019, as top players like IBM, Samsung, LG retained their position. There has been a minor shuffle in the position of big software companies; however, their individual patenting activity has only increased from the past year.

4. Top Industries

Communication equipment, computer and electronic devices remain the money-spinners in terms of IP economy; closely followed by prominent IP investments in medical devices and medicine. In terms of manufacturing, there has been a steady IP filing in the field of automobile and heavy machinery.

Overall, the trend has been supportive and encouraging for a growing IP regime in US and given the support provided by the PTO and the lawmakers, the IP industry in the US is in a very lucrative position for the coming years.

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Patent trend 2018, 2019, top assignee, application filed, patent granted, industries, technological area, USPTO, US


The Statistics for 2019 is based on the paid databases used